21 May 2009
Effect of fungal infections in diabetic patients after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation
E Swoboda-Kopeć, I Netsvyetayeva, A Kwiatkowski, L Pączek, G Młynarczyk, M Łuczak, M Jaworska-Zaremba, M Sikora, S Błachnio, P FiedorAnn Transplant 2009; 14(1): 72-72 :: ID: 880465
Material/Methods: 40 insulin-dependent diabetic patients as recipients were
analysed. The observation period lasted between 2 months to 12 years. The
clinical material was obtained from urea and blood samples as well as drains
samples from infected tissues.
Results: The satisfactory graft function of both transplanted organs was observed in 31 patients. The pancreas grafts were rejected in 8 recipients due to the early post-transplant complications. Out of this number, two cases were associated with Candida fungal infections: necrotic pancreatitis of the grafted organ and infection of haematoma in the pancreatic graft region. Two cases of death occurred during the observation period, but no connection with transplant surgical procedures was stated.Fungal infections were observed in 5 patients in the early period after transplantation (up to 1 month). The majority of infections was associated with the urinary system - 3. The remained infections occurred at the operated sites - 4 cases.During the intermediate period of observation (2-6 months) only one case of fungal infection was found: urinary tract mixed infection.
Fungal infections were observed in 7 patients in the late period of observation. Urinary tract infections occurred in 3 cases, digestive tract infections in 2 cases and oesophagus contamination in one case. Additionally, oral cavity mycosis was found in one case of studied patients.
Conclusions: Our clinical data strongly indicate that fungal infections may play a key role as a risk factor which takes responsibility for the loss of pancreas allografts. Early prevention and /or treatment of fungal infections can protect pancreas in SPKTx recipients from the rejection process. Satisfactory kidney graft function in all Pts was observed.
Keywords: fungal infections
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