21 May 2009
The need for implementation of the educational program on important issues in transplantation among the high school students in Poland
M Jonas, A Chmura, K Pabisiak, W RowińskiAnn Transplant 2009; 14(1): 77-77 :: ID: 880484
Shortage of the organs for transplantation has become the most important
issue world wide. An important role among other factors plays the social
misconception and the lack of understanding. The lack of knowledge often
leads to the family's refusal for recovery of organs from the deceased. To
meet these needs, the Polish Union of Transplantation Medicine together
with the Patient's association "Life after the Transplant" has prepared the
educational program for the high school students. Between 2007-2008 over 200 hours of lectures were carried out by physicians and coordinators in schools in Poland. Before the lectures students were asked to fill anonymously following 5 questions form assessing basic information about transplantation:
1. Would you share a kidney with your brother or parent to save his life?
2. Do doctors in Poland need written consent of the deceased patient's family to harvest his kidneys for transplantation?
3. Can you sell your kidney in Poland?
4. Would you agree to share your organs after your death?
5. Which organs can be transplanted nowadays: kidney, pancreas, liver, hart, lung, skin, cornea, bone marrow, hand, brain?
Questioned students were 17-18 years old. Over 2000 responses were collected. The obtained responses confirmed a very low level of general knowledge on basic issues in transplantation. The study indicates the need of implementation of such programme country wide. The letter of support for such programme was issued by the Ministry of Education.
Keywords: Kidney Transplantation
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