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21 May 2009

Youth facing the problem of organ transplantation

J Burian, A Małuch, M Wysokiński, W Fidecki

Ann Transplant 2009; 14(1): 83-83 :: ID: 880505


One of the branches of medicine that after many difficulties develops at a fast rate is transplantology. Frequently, the only rescue for the sick is the transplantation, which is the transfer of a tissue or a healthy organ from a donor to the sick recipient. The aim of the research was an attempt to define the attitude and opinions of the urban youth about the problem of organs transplantation.
Material/Methods: The study covered the young people from The Secondary
High School and the Vocational School in PasłÄ™k - the town in Warmińskie-
-Mazurskie Voivodeship. 90 students in total replied to the questionnaire. The study relied on the method of a diagnostic opinion poll, and the technique used was an equate. The tool used for the study was an equated questionnaire.
Results: According to 64.45% respondents, transplantology has a significant place in today's world, 31.11% of respondents that it generally has some meaning, and 4.44%, think that it has no meaning. A major part of respondents - 88.89% declared that after their death, if such a necessity occurred they would give for example their kidney for their brother or to their child. 80% of the respondents think that there exists a shortage of organs for transplantation in Poland.
Conclusions: The respondents taking part in the study should be considered as those who understand the significance of transplantology in today's world. Simultaneously, the majority of the studied individuals declare the willingness to become a donor for their next of kin. Situation is different when one speaks about strangers. Despite the acceptance of transplantations as a form of treatment, the knowledge of the legal norms on the subject is weak.

Keywords: Public Opinion

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358