21 May 2009
Problems in education of patients after renal transplantation
M UrbaniakAnn Transplant 2009; 14(1): 85-85 :: ID: 880515
Background: patients after renal transplantation were examined in the study.
The aim was to present issues concerning health education that positively affects management after a successful renal transplantation.
Material/Methods: 96 patients after renal transplantation in a single centre were enrolled in an educational programme between June 2006 and December 2007. The educational issues were presented on a number of meetings. The choice of educational methods varied depending on patient's age and intellectual and cognitive potential. Patients were offered group or individual meetings, often held in presence of family members. At the end of the educational process, there was a test on health issues, which consisted of six parts and 31 questions (11 open questions and 20 'closed' questions).
Results: In the group of patients after renal transplantation, who completed the educational course, 45% were female and 55% were male. Medium age was 43 years. The youngest patient was 14, and the oldest 77 years old. In the group, there were 18% of patients with an elementary degree of education, 29% with occupational degree, 33% with a college degree and 18% with a master's degree. Only 29% of patients were professionally active, whereas 71% were not. All patients in the educational programme were actively interested in problems concerning living with a renal transplant. A vast majority of patients (99%) was able to answer 'closed' questions correctly. 26% of patients showed major difficulties in answering open questions (reading comprehension, memorizing the names of drugs, understanding the causes and nature of complications, principles of prophylaxis against urinary tract infections and formulating a written text). In this group of patients, re-education including explanation of main issues and test revision, was needed. Professional activity enables patients to use cognitive potential in health education. 99% of professionally active patients revealed no problems in memorizing and use of information concerning living with a renal transplant. It was observed that about 40% of patients require family support to overcome problems in learning to live with a transplant.
Conclusions: An organized and multi-stage health education in patients after
renal transplantation is eligible. Patients' need for obtaining knowledge about
living after renal transplantation is observed. A complex care for patients after renal transplantation is possible, when all aspects of modern nursing are fulfilled. This factor contributes to optimal management of transplant.
Keywords: Patient Education, renal transplantation, Kidney Transplantation, Self-care, self-control
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