28 June 2010
First Polish forearm transplantation – final report (outcome after 4 years)
Jerzy Jablecki, Leszek Kaczmarzyk, Adam Domanasiewicz, Adam Chelmonski, Maria Boratynska, Dariusz PatrzalekAnn Transplant 2010; 15(2): 61-67 :: ID: 880942
Background: Hand transplantation (HTx) presents an exceptional reconstructive solution for hand amputees. Relatively few patients qualify for such an operation – generally healthy patients suffering from a serious disturbance of body integrity.
Case Report: We present a patient 48 months after unilateral transplantation of an allogenic forearm. Clinical course, laboratory results, function of the graft, and quality of life of the patient are analyzed. These findings are compared with those achieved by 2 other patients – recipients of allograft forearm transplanted on the same zone in Lyon 2002, and Louisville 2001. The patient suffered no post-transplantation infections, had 1 episode of rejection – I°. Except for mild diabetes, no disturbances of internal organs were observed. Total active motions of fingers (TAM) equaled 53% of fingers of unaffected hand. The functional evaluation by SF 36 is 53; by DASH – 92; Chen’s score system rates our patient as II (good); CFSS score system – 84 points (excellent result). His functional result is similar to that achieved by 2 others mid-forearm recipients
Conclusions: The upper limb transplant performed on a functionally unfavorable zone of the mid-forearm has greatly increased patient’s quality of life.
Keywords: forearm transplantation, Allograft, immunosupression, transplantation outcome
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