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23 March 2011

Liver transplantation in children with biliary atresia and polysplenia syndrome

Dorota BroniszczakCEF, Artur ApanasiewiczBF, Piotr CzubkowskiB, Piotr KalicińskiA, Hor IsmailD, Anna Ostoja-ChyzynskaD, Malgorzata Markiewicz-KijewskaF

Ann Transplant 2011; 16(1): 14-17 :: ID: 881633


Background: Children with biliary atresia and polysplenia syndrome (BA-PS) have always been considered as high risk liver transplant recipients due to technical problems during transplant surgery. We report single-center experience with liver transplantation in children with this syndrome.
Material/Methods: Between 2000 and 2010, 401 liver transplantations were performed in 358 children, including 6 patients with BA-PS, who underwent living (5 patients) or deceased (1 patient) donor liver transplantation. Patients demonstrated various malformations: absence of retrohepatic vena cava (3), intestinal malrotation (3), preduodenal portal vein (1), hepatic artery anomalies (3), cardiac anomalies (2), and situs inversus (1). Transplantations were performed at the patient age of 8 months to 11 years.
Results: There were no serious technical problems during the operations, and we did not have to use vascular conduits for graft revascularization in any case. All patents were alive at follow-up between 14 and 123 months after transplantation (mean 75 months). We observed, however, increased incidence of PV thrombosis and biliary complications in these patients, which did not influence patient and graft survival. In 1 child with graft failure due to chronic rejection after discontinuation of immunosuppression due to PTLD, retransplantation was performed.
Conclusions: Results of liver transplantation in children with BA-PS are as good as for other indications and non-syndromic BA in an experienced pediatric liver transplant center. Although there were no serious technical problems during deceased or living related donor transplantation in these children, close observation for possible vascular complications should be the routine in the postoperative period.

Keywords: Liver Transplantation, biliary atresia, polysplenia syndrome

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358