30 June 2011
Acute kidney injury after procedures of orthotopic liver transplantation
Lidia Lewandowska, Joanna Matuszkiewicz-RowinskaAnn Transplant 2011; 16(2): 103-108 :: ID: 881872
The incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) ranges from 40 to 70%, with 8–17% of these patients requiring renal replacement therapy. The aetiology of this syndrome is multi-factorial, and its most common cause is ischaemia in the early postoperative period, and toxicity of immunosuppressive drugs and infectious complications at long term. AKI significantly increases the risk of death and development of chronic renal failure in the late post-OLT period. We discussed in short in our work the risk factors of AKI, diagnostics and clinical management in this group of patients.
Keywords: Liver Transplantation, hepato-renal syndrome, Dialysis, calcineurin inhibitors
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