26 September 2012
Result of arm-level upper-limb transplantation in two recipients at 19- and 30-month follow-up
Jerzy JableckiABDEF, Leszek KaczmarzykBD, Adam DomanasiewiczC, Adam ChelmonskiABF, Maciej ParuzelBD, Ahmed ElsaftawyBCDE, Marcin SyrkoBDF, Janusz KaczmarzykBCDDOI: 10.12659/AOT.883467
Ann Transplant 2012; 17(3): 126-132
Background: Arm transplantation (ATx) is a novelty in the field of upper-limb transplantation, with only 7 procedures performed world-wide.
Case Report: In this paper we report on early results of unilateral arm transplantation recipients. Patient 1, a 30-year-old man, examined 30 months post-transplant, is able to actively flex the elbow, has 160 degree of ROM in the fingers of the grafted limb, and scored 92 points in the DASH questionnaire and 62 points in the Comprehensive Functional Score System (CFSS). The post-transplant period was complicated with 1 acute rejection episode due to CMV infection, and delayed bony union. Patient 2, a 55-year-old woman, examined 19 months post-transplant, is able to actively flex the elbow, has 180 degree of ROM in the fingers of the grafted limb, and scored 89 points in the DASH questionnaire and 64 points in the Comprehensive Functional Score System (CFSS).
Conclusions: The post-transplant period was complicated with a delayed bony union. The ATx seems to be a valuable reconstructive therapeutic modality.
Keywords: Immunosuppression, hand transplant, rehabilitation
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