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16 January 2013

Education in organ donation among students in Germany – results of an intervention study

Johannes Wilhelm ReyACEF, Vanessa GrassBF, Peter Robert GalleAD, Christian WernerAD, Arthur HoffmanEF, Ralf KiesslichADE, Gaël P. HammerCDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.883794

Ann Transplant 2013; 18:23-30


BACKGROUND: In Germany, organ donation remains low and is not sufficient to duly address all patients on the waiting lists. It is likely that lack of information and subsequent insecurity in the adult population relate to this imbalance. Virtually no data exist about teenagers’ knowledge of organ donation.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A questionnaire-based survey was performed among all 11th and 12th-grade students of secondary schools in Mainz, Germany. All students were subsequently offered an information event. The survey consisting of 17 questions was repeated later. The survey was voluntary and performed in class without the students using any information sources.

RESULTS: 1165 (48%) students participated in the first survey, and 1491 (61.7%) in the second survey. 11.3% in the first and 19.55% in the second survey had an organ donor card. 38.83% reported having informed themselves within the last 12 months on organ donation. 56.56% would have filled out an organ donor card with an approval if they had had to decide at the time of survey.

CONCLUSIONS: When young people discuss organ donation in their families or when they seek information themselves, the acceptance of organ donation greatly improves. Our data suggest that education on organ donation can double the number of carriers of an organ donor card among students.

Keywords: Organ Donation, epidemiological survey, organ donor card, Brain Death, transplantation act

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358