14 February 2014 : Letter/Correspondence
How real is the uterine transplantation?
Hakan ÖztürkABCDEFGDOI: 10.12659/AOT.889973
Ann Transplant 2014; 19:82-83
Uterine transplantation is quite a popular topic nowadays. There are three cases reported in the literature. Two of these patients were transplanted in Sweden donated by their own mothers and the other was transplanted from cadaver in Turkey. In the case which was transplanted in Turkey intrauterine physically pregnancy was occurred but resulted in abortion. Unlike vital organs, uterine transplantation is not a life-saving operation. Uterine transplantation appears as a series of complex situation with unique scientific, ethic, legal problems and pending to be solved. Uterine transplantation and potential problems are discussed with the literature.
Keywords: Uterine transplantation, Ethics, future
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