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16 March 2015 : Original article  

A Preliminary Study of Side Population Cells in Human Gastric Cancer Cell Line HGC-27

Ganglong GaoAB, Zhenliang SunC, Liu WenyongD, Ye DongxiaE, Runjia ZhaoE, Xueli ZhangCF

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.892197

Ann Transplant 2015; 20:147-153


BACKGROUND: Cancer stem cell-like side population (SP) cells, which may be responsible for recurrence, tumor metastasis, and resistance to cancer therapy, have been identified and characterized in several types of cell lines from gastric cancer. However, there is no report on isolation of SP cells from human gastric cancer cell line HGC-27. This study aims to analyze the proportion of SP cells in HGC-27 cell line, differentiate SP from non-side population (NSP) cells, and determine whether the SP cells have certain biological properties of stem cells.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: (1) HGC-27 suspension was prepared and stained with Hoechst33342 and PI for flow cytometric isolation of SP (2). Differences in proliferation and stemness-related gene expression profiles (CD133, CD44, OCT-4, MDR1, EpCAM, and ABCG2) between SP and NSP cells were detected by gastric formation assay and quantitative real-time PCR (3). Oncogenicity of SP and NSP cells was determined in nude mice in vivo.

RESULTS: (1) SP cells accounted for 0.1–1.0% of HGC-27 cells, and decreased to 0% after verapamil inhibition. Using flow cytometry, we sorted 7.5×10^5 SP cells and most HGC-27 cells were NSP cells (2). Gastric formation assay and MTT demonstrated that there was a significant difference in proliferation between SP and NSP cells. Gene expression analysis showed that the expression of genes was significantly higher in SP cells (3). The oncogenicity experiment in nude mice revealed that 105 SP cells were able to form tumors, which demonstrated higher tumorigenicity than non-SP cells.

CONCLUSIONS: These results collectively suggested that SP cells from HGC-27 cell line have some cancer stem cell properties and could be used for studying the pathogenesis of gastric cancer, which may contribute to discovery of novel therapeutic targets.

Keywords: Coenzyme A Ligases, Gastric Acidity Determination, Gastrointestinal Agents

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358