08 October 2015 : Original article
Factors Influencing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donation Intention in Hong Kong: A Web-Based Survey
Janette KwokABCDEFG, Eva LeungABCDEF, William WongDE, Kate LeungA, C.K. LeeAB, Wendy LamCDE, Patrick IpEFDOI: 10.12659/AOT.894165
Ann Transplant 2015; 20:604-613
BACKGROUND: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has become increasingly common for treatment of severe hematological disorders. However, the number of compatible hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) donors is usually limited. Expanding donor pool size would enhance matching success by increasing donor frequency and introducing allelic diversity within the registry. Identifying factors that affect public willingness towards HSC donation allows better strategic recruitment planning to facilitate donor pool expansion. Previous studies in white populations showed knowledge, family attitude, trust towards the healthcare system, fear, self-identity, and social identity are important factors related to HSC donation intention. However, given the differences in cultural and society values that exist across different regions, in particular between the East and West, whether these factors influence HSC donation willingness in Hong Kong remained to be determined. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with HSC donation motivation in Hong Kong.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A large-scale, cross-sectional, observational study involving 3479 local participants.
RESULTS: There is a positive correlation of HSC donation intention with younger age (18–32, OR: 1.80, p≤0·001) and higher education (OR: 1·47, p≤0.001). Better HSCT knowledge is also related to greater HSC donation intention (OR: 2.55, p£0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggests HSCT education could help to improve donor recruitment and that more resources should be allocated for public education.
Keywords: Blood Donors, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Cross-Sectional Studies, Education
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