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17 September 2015 : Original article  

Effects of Preoperative Positive Cross-Match and HLA Mismatching on Early Acute Cellular Rejection and Graft Survival in Living Donor Liver Transplantation

Gun Hyung NaABCDEF, Eun Young KimB, Tae Ho HongAD, Young Kyoung YouAD, Dong Goo KimACDF

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.894466

Ann Transplant 2015; 20:553-560


BACKGROUND: We evaluated the effects of preoperative positive cross-match and HLA mismatching on early acute cellular rejection and graft survival in living donor liver transplantation (LDLT).

MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed data of 286 patients who underwent LDLT from 2008 to 2013. Cross-matching tests were performed by complement-dependent lymphocytotoxicity (CDC) and flow cytometry (FCX) methods. The CDC cross-matching test was performed using the National Institutes of Health (NIH) standard cross-match and antiglobulin (AHG) cross-match methods.

RESULTS: NIH, AHG, and FCX were positive in T-lymphocytes from 18 (6.3%), 21(7.3%), and 23 (8.0%) patients, respectively. T-CDC (T-NIH or T-AHG) results were positive in 23 (8.0%) patients. CDC and FCX results were positive in B-lymphocytes from 18 (6.3%) and 35 (12.2%) patients. All positive cross-match results were significantly associated with acute cellular rejection. Only a positive T-CDC cross-match was significantly associated with decreased graft survival (P=0.035). In a multivariate analysis, a positive T-CDC cross-match was the only independent risk factor with a decreased graft survival rate (P=0.041). An HLA mismatch was not associated with acute rejection (p=0.468 for HLA-A, p=0.644 for HLA-B, and p=0.811 for HLA-DR), graft survival (p=0.895 for HLA-A, p=0.580 for HLA-B, and p=0.969 for HLA-DR), and overall survival (p=0.862 for HLA-A, p=0.634 for HLA-B, and p=0.917 for DLA-DR).

CONCLUSIONS: Although a further prospective study with a larger cohort is required, it is not wise nor safe to perform LDLT in the setting of a positive T-CDC cross-match result.

Keywords: Blood Grouping and Crossmatching, Graft Rejection, Graft Survival, Histocompatibility Testing, Liver Transplantation

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358