08 March 2016 : Original article
Impact of Cold Ischemia Time on Outcomes of Liver Transplantation: A Single Center Experience
Lena SibuleskyABCDEF, Meng LiABCDE, Ryan N. HansenABCDEF, Andre A.S. DickE, Martin I. MontenovoE, Stephen C. RayhillE, Ramasamy BakthavatsalamE, Jorge D. ReyesEDOI: 10.12659/AOT.896190
Ann Transplant 2016; 21:145-151
BACKGROUND: Significant geographic disparities exist in access to liver transplantation and consequently the current liver allocation system is being challenged. We sought to describe our unique experience with using organs with long cold ischemia times from the largest donation service area.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: From 2009–2014 we performed 350 liver transplants. 167 (48%) had a cold ischemia time <8 hours, 134 (38%) between 8 and 12 hours, and 49 (14%) greater than 12 hours.
RESULTS: Early allograft dysfunction was observed more commonly with increasing cold ischemia times. 53% of the recipients in the >12 h group had early allograft dysfunction compared to 28% in the 8–12 h group, and 18% in the <8 h group (P<0.001). We found no correlation between early allograft dysfunction and allograft or patient survival. One-year liver allograft survival was 92%, 94%, 87%, three-year graft survival was 82%, 89%, and 87%, and five-year graft survival was 82%, 89%, and 79% in the <8 h, 8–12 h, and >12 h cold ischemia time groups, respectively. One-year patient survival was 95%, 94%, and 92% and five-year patient survival was 90%, 89%, and 83% in the <8 h, 8–12 h, and >12 h cold ischemia time groups, respectively. Both unadjusted and multivariate Cox regression analyses indicated no statistically significant associations between cold ischemia time and graft or patient survival.
CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the prolonged cold ischemia time led to early allograft dysfunction but did not have a deleterious association with graft or patient survival.
Keywords: Organ Preservation, Tissue and Organ Procurement, Tissue Donors
In Press
Case report
Pulmonary Embolism Following Living Donor Hepatectomy: A Report of 4 Cases and Literature ReviewAnn Transplant In Press; DOI: 10.12659/AOT.946752
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