05 May 2016 : Original article
Medication Adherence and Treatment Satisfaction Among Renal Transplant Recipients
Abdulmalik A. AlkatheriADEF, Abdulkareem M. AlbekairyA, Anan JarabDE, Rami BustamiC, Nabil KhalidiAE, Abdulrahman AlshayaB, Khalid Bin SalehAB, Sultan AlraddadiB, Shmeylan AlharbiD, Senthilvel VasudevanC, Abdullah AlsayyariD, Amjad M. QandilACDEFDOI: 10.12659/AOT.897101
Ann Transplant 2016; 21:270-278
BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that patients who are more satisfied with their treatment show better adherence with the prescribed therapy. Although there is valuable data about medication adherence among renal transplant recipients (RTRs), there is a limited literature about their treatment satisfaction and its relation to adherence. The aim of the present study was to investigate factors that can predict medication adherence and to explore the relationship between treatment satisfaction and medication adherence in renal transplant recipients.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Adult RTRs were included in the study using convenient sampling. The participants were asked to complete the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) and Treatment Satisfaction Scale TSQM 1.4 in addition to several socio-demographic and treatment-related data. The results were statistically analyzed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression modelling in a stepwise procedure.
RESULTS: A total of 151 RTRs were included in the study, of which 52 were classified as adherent (34%). Univariate analysis showed that, in comparison with non-adherent RTRs, the adherent group demonstrated significantly higher satisfaction scores in the domains of convenience (96.6±8.7 vs. 85.3±19.3), side effects (95.9±14.1 vs. 82.6±24.1), and global satisfaction (93.4±9.8 vs. 86.7±16.7), while they had marginally higher satisfaction scores in the effectiveness domain (90.4±11.6 vs. 86.5±14.5). Results from multiple logistic regression showed that higher likelihood of adherence was significantly associated with increased satisfaction score in the convenience domain [AOR=1.76, 95% CI=(1.21, 2.55); p=0.003] and marginally related to increased satisfaction scores in the side effects domain [AOR=1.31, 95% CI=(0.99, 1.74); p=0.061]. Male RTRs were significantly more likely to be adherent than female RTRs [AOR=2.23, 95% CI=(1.02, 4.84); p=0.043].
CONCLUSIONS: Although the adherence rate among RTRs is relatively low, males and RTRs who reported higher treatment satisfaction (convenience and side effects domains) showed better medication adherence. It is recommended that interventional programs for the improvement of dialysis patient adherence should be developed, in addition to designing strategies to improve treatment convenience and knowledge of medication side effects.
Keywords: Kidney Failure, Chronic, Kidney Transplantation, medication adherence, Patient Satisfaction
In Press
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