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28 June 2016 : Original article  

Kidney Allograft Telomere Length Is Not Associated with Sex, Recipient Comorbid Conditions, Post-Transplant Infections, or CMV Reactivation

Karolina KłodaABDEF, Leszek DomańskiADG, Ewa KwiatkowskaB, Krzysztof SafranowC, Arleta DrozdA, Andrzej CiechanowiczAF, Kazimierz CiechanowskiBG

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.898007

Ann Transplant 2016; 21:392-399


BACKGROUND: Immunosenescence is closely linked to chromosome telomere erosion and telomerase activity alterations. The aim of this study was to analyze the associations of relative telomere length (RTL) of a graft with sex, comorbid conditions, post-transplant infections, and CMV reactivation among transplanted kidney recipients. Additionally, the associations of donor and recipient hTERT, BICD1 genes and chromosome 18 polymorphisms with post-transplant infections were analyzed, including the analysis of donor-recipient genotype pairs.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study enrolled 119 white Polish kidney allograft recipients (64M/55F, mean age 47.3±14.0). The RTL was assessed by modification of a method developed by Cawthon, using a qPCR system. To identify genotypes of the studied polymorphisms, real-time PCR was performed.

RESULTS: There were no significant associations between graft RTL and sex of donor and recipient, comorbid DM and AH, as well as post-transplant infections and CMV reactivation. There were no statistically significant differences in distribution of hTERT, BICD1 genes and chromosome 18 graft and recipient polymorphisms genotypes between individuals with post-transplant infection and those without infection. The rs2735940 CX-TT hTERT gene donor-recipient genotypes combination was associated with higher risk of post-transplant infection on the border of statistical significance (OR=4.632, 95%CI (0.853–25.14); p=0.067).

CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of kidney allograft RTL does not show its association with sex, DM, AH, post-transplant infection, or CMV reactivation in the recipients, suggesting that other factors, probably directly related to the transplantation procedure, have a greater effect on telomere length.

Keywords: Allografts, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, Telomere Homeostasis

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358