09 June 2017 : Original article
Effect of Alprazolam on Redox Status in Renal Transplantation Donors and Recipients
Meltem Güner Can1ABDEF*, Özgen Ilgaz Koçyiğit1BDF, Uğur Aksu2ACF, Ali Özer3BDF, Fevzi Toraman4ADEFDOI: 10.12659/AOT.903695
Ann Transplant 2017; 22:354-360
BACKGROUND: Benzodiazepines are the most popular premedication drugs thought to act through the GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex and alprazolam is one of the most potent benzodiazepines that have a quick onset. While there is a growing body of evidence supporting alprazolam in the amelioration of redox status in animals, no study has been performed concerning its antioxidant activity in humans. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of alprazolam on redox status.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was a four-group randomized controlled trial. Participants were recruited from Acibadem University Acibadem International Hospital and included a convenience sample of 82 donors and recipients undergoing renal transplantation. Patients were randomly divided into four groups. While donors and recipients in experimental groups (G1 and G3) were administered alprazolam 0.5 mg orally one hour before the operation, those in control groups (G2 and G4) were not. Serum advanced oxidative protein products, total thiol, free hemoglobin, ischemic modified albumin, and sialic acid levels at different time points were measured to evaluate the redox status.
RESULTS: All oxidative stress parameters were higher in the alprazolam premedication groups (G1, G3) at all time points than in the control groups (G2, G4). Basal values of oxidative parameters (at time point T1) in patients with CKD (G3, G4) were lower than in healthy donors (G1, G2).
CONCLUSIONS: Alprazolam premedication in donors and end-stage renal failure patients undergoing renal transplantation does not improve redox homeostasis but further experimental studies are needed.
Keywords: alprazolam, Kidney Transplantation, Premedication
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