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05 March 2024 : Original article  

No Prognostic Impact of Graft-to-Recipient Weight Ratio on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence Following Living Donor Liver Transplantation

Geunhyeok Yang ORCID logo1BCDEF, Shin Hwang ORCID logo2ABCDEF*, Chul-Soo Ahn ORCID logo2BCDE, Deok-Bog Moon ORCID logo2BCDE, Tae-Yong Ha ORCID logo2ABCDE, Gi-Won Song ORCID logo2BCDE, Dong-Hwan Jung ORCID logo2BCDE, Gil-Chun Park ORCID logo2BCDE, Young-In Yoon ORCID logo2BCDE, Woo-Hyoung Kang ORCID logo2BCDE, Sun-Hyung Joo ORCID logo1BCDE, Sung-Gyu Lee ORCID logo2BCDE

DOI: 10.12659/AOT.942767

Ann Transplant 2024; 29:e942767

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Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358
Annals of Transplantation eISSN: 2329-0358